Fascial Stretch Therapy
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a form of pain-free therapist-assisted stretching that uses gentle oscillating movements of traction and stretch to decompress joints and expand space in the soft tissues (muscles, fascia, etc).
The benefits of an FST and Massage Therapy combined treatment can include:
- Reduction in pain, muscle tension, or post-exercise muscle soreness
- Lessened levels of stress, anxiety, and depression
- Improvement in joint mobility, circulation, and lymphatic drainage
- More rapid recovery and tissue healing after injury
- Improvement in sleep, mood, and mental alertness
Fascial Stretch Therapy and Massage is not only useful for reducing or eliminating pain. It can be an impactful part of your health optimization and injury prevention plan.
What to Expect
Your initial assessment will include photo and video analysis of posture and movement, along with additional relevant assessments to determine your baseline mobility.
Be sure to wear clothes you can move in!
All treatments are carried out in the open Physiotherapy area of the clinic. It is best to wear athletic wear or clothes that you can easily move in to each of your FST appointments.